Monday, 4 September 2017

MOBILE PLATFORM_1 30 March 2017, Hull - Performances

RAP(s) - Random Access Performances - TwT.B2Gat60.Hull

We are roaming! For our first MOBILE PLATFORM event two performers, Jake Harries and Susanne Palzer, travelled from Sheffield to the UK City of Culture 2017 to perform alongside local performers/presenters in Hull. OPEN PLATFORM/RAP(s) - TwT.B2Gat60.Hull was a collaboration between OPEN PLATFORM/RAP(s) - TwT.  and B2Gat60.Hull.2016/2017: open events at Ground organised by Brian G. Gilson. #digitalnetworkwithphysicalneeds

Susanne Palzer - Doodle Doot Doot - Doot Doodle Do Doodoo/Taschenrechner

Doodle Doot Doot - Doot Doodle Do Doodoo is a subjective transcript for voice of digital sounds of Kraftwerk's 'Taschenrechner'. First transcribed from Kraftwerk, The Mix (German Version), 1991, for OPEN PLATFORM_1, 2012, and performed with an analogue calculator made by John X. Moseley.

Jake Harries - Letters to the Lonely

Photo: Susanne Palzer
Jake Harries presented two love poems from his spam opus Letters to the Lonely. 

Mathias Tornvig - Inside Blender

OPEN PLATFORM/RAP: Mathias Tornvig
Photo: Susanne Palzer 
Mathias Tornvig from Denmark made use of two platforms, several props and finally climbed around the whole space to make us understand what it is like to be INSIDE Blender, a free and open source 3D creation suite.

Pelle Hjek - Turtle

Photo: Susanne Palzer
Pelle Hjek, also from Denmark, gave us a physical demonstration of Turtle. The Turtle System is a free educational program developed at the University of Oxford. Apparently "this sort of programming, and the results it produces, are easy to understand because they are so immediately visual" but those audience members with limited programming skills were confronted with a rather beautifully mysterious performance. 

Lou Hazelwood - The Rendering of Digital Memory

Photo: Susanne Palzer
Lou Hazelwood presented another version of her timehopping reading performance compiled from snippets of overheard conversation: the temporality of memory and its fragility is now stored in many mainframes and we are reminded of moments in our lives not by our senses or our relationships with people but by algo-rhythmical data. Facebook reminds us in date order of our memories; the fluidity of experience lost to time.

Brian G Gilson - Title Yet To Be Confirmed
Photo: Susanne Palzer

Like at OPEN PLATFORM_7 in Sheffield Brian G Gilson engaged two members of the audience in his performance, presenting a different version of Title Yet To Be Confirmed.

MOBILE PLATFORM aims at 'building a digital network with physical means'. To achieve this we are collaborating with partner organisations interested in integrating with the platform based on our 'source code': the event format. If you are interested in hosting an event please get in touch here.

The FB event for MOBILE PLATFORM_1 can be found here.