RAM/RAR/RAA+RAPS(S) at Access Space/2012

RAM/RAR/RAA+RAP(s) – A Random Process Experiment by Susanne Palzer

Experiment Duration: Wednesday, 06 June - Tuesday, 31 July 2012
General Access Times: Tuesday - Saturday 11am - 7pm

Preview Event + Performance Test P1: Friday, 22 June 2012, 5.30pm - 8.30pm

RAM/RAR/RAA+RAP(s) is an exploration of the ambiguous relationship between process, product and audience expectations. A random process of research and experimentation is being applied over the duration of the show to highlight the blurred boundaries between art production and exhibition.

Working in the context of Access Space – a free, open digital arts lab - and following a month of R&D, Susanne Palzer has moved from the media lab into the exhibition space with the intention of developing processes for negotiating knowledge and understanding (and the lack thereof) in situ. Her work for RAM/RAR/RAA+RAP(s) focusses on technology, language and perfomance. A series of performance tests is planned.

Access Space, Unit 1, AVEC Building, 3-7 Sidney Street, Sheffield, S1 4RG